One of these individuals has fine leather jackets for sale. |
I very much enjoy playing games that
are full of puzzles. I grew up as a point-and-click adventure gamer on the
computer and used to spend hours playing King’s Quest V and the Monkey Island and
Gabriel Knight games. I’ve moved
almost exclusively from computer to console over the years, which means there
are very few old school adventure options, although I have been getting back
into some PC gaming for Telltale’s excellent take on Monkey Island and I’d also be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy Her
Interactive’s Nancy Drew series. Yes,
I realize I’m the wrong gender to play the latter, but I enjoy them
nonetheless, plus I love the game designer’s old slogan: “For girls who aren’t
afraid of a mouse.”
I guess this girl couldn't find her XBox controller. |
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
There are indeed puzzle games on consoles, although not usually of the
point-and-click adventure style (which really works better with a
keyboard-and-mouse setup anyway). This is true, but the bulk of my gaming these
days takes place while I am exercising. I do step exercises and play the 360
while I step. It gives me time to play and—since I rarely get other time to
game—helps motivate me to exercise. The problem is that I’m not smart or
coordinated enough to play puzzle games while I work out. My stepping slows
down and sometimes comes to a halt altogether while I’m trying to figure out
how to complete a challenge or finish a level. I absolutely love both Portal games, but it’s difficult to play
them while exercising so I had to squeeze them in at other times (like in the
middle of the night, when my time is actually supposed to be set aside to write).
I have been *all* those characters. It just struck me that this game might be a complex metaphor for schizophrenia. |
One very enjoyable console puzzle game
that’s come out in recent years that I have found time to squeeze in is the
Russian doll adventure puzzler Stacking.
Although I could have done without the occasional bout of bathroom humor, I
found the game to be pretty delightful. It has a completely unique gameplay
dynamic. You play as a tiny little Russian stacking doll named Charlie. He’s so
small that everyone underestimates him, but his tiny size gives him a unique
ability: he can “stack” into other dolls, controlling them and solving puzzles
through their different traits and attributes. There are five or six doll
sizes, and Charlie can always stack into the next larger doll. So if he’s a
size one, he can stack into any size two; as a size two, he can stack into any
size three doll, and so on. Maybe he stacks into a doll who is goes around
punching other dolls, or maybe he can clear a room by stacking into a doll with
really bad gas. He can fly to certain places by stacking into a bird doll. No
bird dolls around? Stack into a fish and flop about until you get one’s
It’s charming, it’s funny and it’s
full of interesting puzzles. One of the things I really like about the game is
that each puzzle has multiple solutions. You’re encouraged to find them all. So
maybe you clear that room by being Mr. Farty Pants on your first try, but then
on the next try you can let such a draft into the room that everyone gets cold
and leaves. Solving a puzzle one way is an achievement but it’s only the tip of
the iceberg. You can only solve all the challenges by experimenting with
different dolls and special activities, by deciding what each situation
requires and fulfilling those requirements.
It might not be surprising that I
thought several times while playing of Paul’s testimony that he became “all
things to all people, that by all means I might save some” (1 Cor. 9:22). It’s
probably not an unfamiliar passage, but is it one that is represented in our
Just look at those little beady eyes. You just know he's planning on reaching out to people you don't care for. The nerve! |
I know it’s controversial in some
circles (particularly in certain circles in which people have nothing better to
do than sit around and criticize other believers), but I agree with Rick Warren’s
contention in The Purpose-Driven Life that we must deliberately and intentionally live
our lives according to God’s purposes if we do not want to waste our time on
this earth. Most video games thrive on purpose (with the notable exception of
certain open world games that can be played a variety of ways) and Stacking is no different. Controlling
Charlie Blackmore, we are compelled to figure out how to figure out each puzzle
at least once to complete the story and finish the game. How much more do we
need to have purpose in our lives?
Because that’s the first thing I see
in Paul’s game plan. He has decided that one of his primary life purposes is
going to be to reach the lost with the gospel message. Although those less
ambitious might focus on a much smaller sample, Paul firmly has absolutely
everyone in his sights. And he’s going to do whatever it takes to reach them.
He is going to live his life in such a way so as to be the precise person that those
lost souls need in their life. He is going to become like them—whether under
the law, whether outside of the law, whether weak or poor, whatever—to build a
relationship and encourage them to follow Jesus Christ.
Pop quiz time. I’m going to ask you a
question and I want you to answer it immediately, without thinking. Okay. Ready?
Here it goes: right now, who are you trying to reach for Christ?
I hope you didn’t think about it too
much. That would have been cheating. There are countless different answers that
might work there. Maybe it’s a small group like “my neighbors” or “my
coworkers.” Maybe you’re passionate about reaching an ethnic or religious group
(for instance, Muslims). Or maybe a name or two came immediately to mind, and
you’re currently trying to reach Sydney or Lewis or Puddleglum. The only real
wrong answer to the question, then—I mean, except for gibberish responses like “hexagon”
or “the Oprah Winfrey Network”—is to stammer, to look away, to consider the
question because you really don’t have an answer to it.
I may never be used to bring anyone into faith in Christ, but I can sit in this pew like a boss, y'all. |
If that describes you, then permit me
to throw out this gentle little query: What in the world is the matter with you? Huh, what is it? Christ’s
blood not sufficient to save the people you
know? Maybe you’re ashamed of the gospel of Christ? Or perhaps you’re a
horrible old misanthrope simply puttering ever closer to the grave, hating
everything and everyone. Regardless of the excuse, can you be so confident that
the love of God is in you if you are so casually disobedient?
Those of you who answered my question
promptly aren’t off the hook either. My next question goes back to Paul’s
passion: how are you trying to reach the people you named? Are you, like Paul,
doing everything possible to become all things to all people and save any that
God permits you to save?
I could see the possible argument that
Paul’s game plan here doesn’t sound very genuine. Authenticity is very
important to me, and I think that the same goes for a lot of people. The idea
of behaving a certain way only to achieve a goal—even a very noble goal like
reaching someone with the gospel—seems phony. But loving people isn’t phony. Loving
people who you don’t naturally love is difficult. It’s challenging. Ultimately,
however, we love because of the very real love of Jesus Christ living inside of
us, and there is nothing fake or phony in Him.
You called? |
And maybe the Stacking analogy doesn’t fit all the way here because I don’t think
we ought to change who we are for the
explicit purpose of appealing to a certain group or person like some
flip-flopping politician. I wouldn’t, for example, pretend to be a hunter just
to share the gospel with hunters. For one thing, they would see right through
me. But just because we don’t have that particular, bloody pastime in common
doesn’t mean we have nothing in
common. Maybe they, like me, enjoy musical theatre! I would like to go see Les Mis again
while it’s still at the cinema. . . My point, of course, is that it’s worth the
effort to find the common ground for the purpose of investing in one’s
spiritual wellbeing.
But I think, for Paul, that it even
went beyond that. I see in him the picture of a man who was so surrendered to
God and His purposes that his greatest passion was for reaching the lost. If I
were to define him with a phrase, it wouldn’t be as a tentmaker or even a
preacher. It would be as a follower of Jesus Christ. What were Paul’s
interests? Winning souls for Christ, no matter what it took. If that meant
respectfully adhering to aspects of a Jewish law that Christ had freed him
from, Paul was more than happy to do so because it gave him the chance to share
the love of Jesus with someone who needed Him. That’s not who Paul was born,
but through the power of the Holy Spirit, that’s who he became.
![]() |
Someone's getting transformed! |
I see now that I have really
misunderstood this passage. Paul’s not talking about changing who he is or how
he acts to find more common ground with those who need Christ. He’s talking
about the incredible work of transformation that the Holy Spirit has done in
his heart so that reaching the lost is genuinely the most important task and
the greatest joy of Paul’s life.
Paul strove to be everything to everyone
because that’s who he had become. It wasn’t the least bit fake or phony because
his greatest goals in life aligned with a lifestyle that was more than willing
to adapt to put him closer to the lost. I said earlier that I can’t imagine
what excuse a Christian could ever give if there is no one in their life that
they are not actively trying to reach right now, and I stand by that. There’s
no good excuse to not do what you were made for. But it’s not enough, is it? We
need to be completely transformed. I need
to be completely transformed. He has begun this work in me, I can tell, because
I’ve come along way at trying to put the spiritual needs of others above
whatever I think is important in the moment, but there’s still a long way to
go. But I can’t fight it. We can’t fight it.
After all, this is what we’re here
I never really thought it that way before. I am too content with sitting in my home and going to work, waiting for the opportunity to witness. But I need to reaching out to them, training myself while I am waiting for opportunities to witness, etc. It is hard, but it needs to be done.